Math-A-Matics Tutoring, LLC tutors include highly-qualified students, state-certified teachers, engineers, and professionals. All of our tutors are young, smart, encouraging, patient, effective educators that have a passion for teaching.
Background checks and credential verification
All Math-A-Matics Tutoring, LLC tutors undergo a thorough background check which alerts of any criminal history inside and outside the United States. If a tutor passes the background check, they are put through a screening process prior to being placed with students.
A tutor is not added to our elite team until they completely pass the background check. Rest assured that Math-A-Matics Tutoring, LLC will vigorously verify that any one of our tutors is assigned to your child has the background and credentials we sold you on and you paid for. We strive for nothing less than 100% customer satisfaction in this area.
The right tutor for you
Math-A-Matics Tutoring, LLC carefully matches tutors with students based on personality, interests, and learning style to ensure that sessions are as productive and effective as possible. Students are assigned to the same tutor throughout the duration of their time with Math-A-Matics Tutoring, LLC to promote a stable learning environment.
Interested in seeing what we required of our tutors? Please view our Become A Tutor page for more information.